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Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Me Control My Heart

Once, a polite man sitting on the riverbank. He has been a while not eating anything.Then an apple that was picked up drift, and eaten. Momentary needs are met. But a moment later sued his little heart. "Apples are these? Why did I eat it without asking permission? "
He was traced to the upstream , looking for the owner of the apple. Some much later he found the owner. He asked for action to eat apples without the permission of the owner lost the unforgivable. Abdullah, owner of the garden, was willing to forgive with certain conditions. That is for the man willing to marry his daughter. "But my daughter is blind, paralyzed, and mute," said Abdullah.
The man nodded. He is ready to conduct any lawful employment for a pardon. His heart will never rest until he got the apology. Weddings take place. The wife, Fatimah, was an extraordinary girl. Smart, beautiful, and not at all blind, paralyzed and mute."He was blind from seeing immoral deeds, paralyzed from foot to places that are not true, and mute from indecent speech," said Abdullah. They were blessed with pious children who later became major Sufi figure, Sheikh Gilani Abdulqadir.
What makes dad so Abdulqadir Jaelani bother looking for the owner of an apple that float in the river? Is not the owner did not feel lost when an apple from a vast garden fell into a river. He also will feel informed if there is an apple picking, and then eat it.He certainly will not be questioned if out who ate the apple. Moreover, he did not know who ate the apple, did not even know if his apple floating in a river.
Not so for a true pious as the father Abdulqadir Gilani. An apple, in a state of very hungry, really means a lot to stomach. But his heart can not accept that apple no man's land. His heart was kept awake in a state of clear. Noda speck of anything that would contaminate the heart clarity would generate a mechanism to throw away that stain, and restore clarity of heart as before. Heart it moves his feet to move, moving his lips to apologize, and move the whole soul his body to accept any conditions for getting it sorry.
What exactly is the heart that so has the power of motion is so great?
God is not looking at a way as a person. Nor Regardless of a person is. However, God views that person's heart.
Through the human heart also, God revealed his presence in a person. Through a person's heart can feel that God is "closer than veins own neck." Through the heart, one can feel that in the depiction of Sufi, "with his eyes he saw, with his ears he hears, with his hand he touched."
Sachiko Murata , a professor of the study of religion at the University of New York , assessing the many scriptural passages that discussed the centrality of self-care as a human being, literally, the heart that will reverse, modify, advance the backing, as well as up and drop off people. Not excessive when the liver is seen as a "locus of good and evil, or truth-error."
Liver, which drives a person to secure or anxious. Hearts that will determine success or not a person in the navigate the waves of life. That which explains why Sufi imams to stress the importance of ceaseless, endless exercises to control hearts.

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